Saturday, 3 November 2012

They are better then we'll ever be

“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man.” 
― Mark Twain

They are innocent. Helpless, they live every waking moment of their lives in fear. Fear of being beaten, kicked or killed for no good reason what-so-ever. As few days back, I happened to overhear a group of boys boasting about how one of them got drunk, and ran over three street dogs in one night. It got me thinking, how can we humans 
be so cruel? We are always bragging about how we human beings, are the most intelligent living beings that exists on the face of this planet, because we have the most developed brains, we have the power to reason. Where is that reasoning when we kill just for fun?  Apparently, our highly developed brains tells us that, only human lives have a value. All other living creatures are worthless.

People may judge me for saying this, but, at times I feel like humans don’t deserve even a percentage of what the Almighty has made available to them. Apparently everything is God’s plan. I am pretty sure God did not want his “children” to run around like fools, killing anything that they see.

What I fail to understand is, how can we be so cruel to these beautiful creatures? When I hear people saying, “I wish I could feel true love”, I always have a strong urge of asking them to keep a pet dog, for they are living examples of the definition of love. It is true, they know how to love, better than you, me, or anyone can ever begin to imagine. I lost my pet a few months ago, and let me tell you, they take a huge part of you away with them. It feels like your life has been taken away from you. Such is the power of their love. They can be a protector if required, a friend if needed, a teddy bear if you need something to cuddle, and they can be the shoulder you cry on. They are all those things that keep a person happy bundled into one. They are mesmerizing characters. We don’t understand that they don’t understand the concept of hate. They need our love to survive.

Instead, we treat them like dirt, like they do not have any right to live. Like we are the ones to decide what their lives are going to be like. Like they are a burden in our lives. It is fun for us to kick them while they are sleeping. Beating them up if they make a small mistake makes us feel like the superior beings. Why can’t we understand that they are innocent?

What have they ever done to us? Some may say they bite us. Here is my answer to them; they bite because they are pushed over the edge. When a dog bites, understand that it has been through more torture than you can think of, without protesting. Like us, they too have limitations to their patience. 

The beautiful thing about them is, they do not have a grey region in their thinking. There are no ifs and buts for them. If they like something, love something, they do it with all of their heart and soul, and on the other hand if they don’t like something, they try really hard to make us understand their dislike.

They might not have the capacity to reason, but that gives them an advantage over us, that of having a pure heart. The very reasoning power that we are so very proud of has only brought us evils like hatred, jealousy, anger, suspicion, envy. I do not deny that the advancement of our minds have brought all the good things in the world too, but every deal has its’ side effects.

They are homeless.

They do not have the ability to earn, yet they don’t want anything from us.

All they want is a little space in this huge planet.

A little love and understanding from us.

They are innocent. Scared. Helpless.

If there is any part of us humans which is good, we need to stop hurting them just because they are weak. But then again, the lesser you expect from humans, the happier you can be.

They are better than we can ever be.

1 comment:

  1. I know how much you really love and feel for animals...
    but this post shows how much you really care.
    You have an amazing heart...i always knew it....but this post just proved it more clearly.
    :) Love it.
